HAMBINO THE GREAT.... hamster?
An adorable little ball of peach fuzz. Cuddly, squishy and oh, SO cute!!! What should we call him? How bout peachy? Ugh. I don't think so. Fur ball?! You are so weird. Ok, never mind. Hhhmmm..... What about Snow Ball? He's not even white!! He's peach! Besides that, he's a BOY, you only name girls Snow Ball! sheesh. OK! Fine, but I still think Snow Ball is a fine name for a boy. Again, you are so weird. Whatever. What are the kids watching? Sandlot. Oh. That fat kid is so funny. What's his name? They call him Hambino. Oh yeah, that's right..... hey. Oh yeah! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? It depends on what your thinking... Well, if your thinking what I'm thinking then your thinking that his name should be..... HAMBINO!!!! yay! We found a name! Cool. Alright Mister Hambino, time to go back in your cage.
And that is how our hamster came to be Hambino. Not that we ever called him Hambino. He was just 'The Hamster'. Can I hold the hamster? The hamster needs to be feed. Look at the hamster spinning on its wheel! The hamster is so cute.
Just to let you know, from here on out, I am going to be calling him Hammy.
Hammy was a very curious hamster. He liked to chew. He liked to chew on plastic the most. Unfortunately his cage was made of plastic. One morning we woke up to see that he had chewed a hole through his cage!! Poor Hammy. What was going to happen to him? We had a cat... and the cat was a pretty good mouser... oh no! I don't want to even think about it!! Poor Hammy. Poor us!! We went around for about four days thinking our hamster had gotten... uhh, *ahem* eaten! Ooohhh!!!
But alas! There was something in the heater vents. The ones on the floor that don't work anymore... It is 4:00 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep because there is something crawling around in the heater vents!! It must be a mouse.. or worse.. a RAT!! uahh, please no rats. Yah know, mice really aren't that bad when you compare them to rats. It sounds like it is trying to get out. What should I do? It is getting SO annoying!! I am trying to sleep! I guess it just has to come out of there. Hey! It's not a mouse! or a rat. Its Hammy!! ohhh, poor little Hammy. Your all dirty. Lets wash you off. Wow, a big furry hamster, when wet, looks a little freaky. Little Hammy gets put back in his cage, where I know he'll stay till morning because he is so tired and hungry. After about 4 days it chews through its cage again, but we aren't worried. We know that when he gets tired of the vents he will come home to us. But the poor Hammy, his one happiness was also his undoing. Because he left his cage so often, whenever he was gone we just kind of figured that he was in the vents. After about three months of this we got used to it, and never figured that he might accidentally fall behind a dresser and not be able to get out. *sniff* poor hammy. That was a very sad day in the Schoolland household. Some day when we are ready we will get a new hamster. A fuzzy girl hamster that is all white. And we will call her Snow Ball. She will not be allowed to go in the vents
Hammy? That's my fav. adj! Luv the name! I hope you recover...I send my condolences.
Um, wow.
Lol, thanks Erin.. I think this story might be freakin' a few people out... sorry to those that are freaked.
I am extremly curious as to who anonymous is... *hint hint*
rachel you are the funniest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was laughing so hard through that storie that everyone in the computer lab turned around and looked at me. i don't know where you get. hmmm, maybe i do.
what i meant was "i don't know where you get it."
That is such a cool "hammy" story.
We have had a few hamsters too. The first was elmo, than came Laura/Steve (depending on what "she" was:) and than came Tarzan. We always called them "hammy" as well. Poor Tarzan kept getting out of his metal cage by opening up the door, so we put a dead-lock on it. Honest, the dead-lock is still on the cage, we lost the key!
btw we had nick-named Tarzan "houdini"
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