An average conversation between me and my little bro
Hey J. what's up?
The clouds and the sky and the mountains.
Hhmm. There aren't any clouds out right now.
Then just the sky and the mountains!
How bout you sing me a song?
I know lots lovely songs!
Then how bout you sing me one?
I don't feel like it.
Oh.......Please? Sing me the pine cone song!
Well, can I have that piece of canny?
Oh, alright. Here.
*giggle* thanks!
Now sing!
I can't, I got canny in my mouth.
You little brat!! *laughs*
How bout you sing ME a song while I eat my canny. Ok?
Fine... What do you want me to sing about?
Alright... Let me think of something.
(here's where I decide that I should become a star song writer. I mean, come on. I made this up off the top of my head. It so good!!)
James, you are sooooo beautiful-
NO! Handsome. Only girls are beautiful. Boys are handsome.
James, you are sooooooo handsome to mee-eeee.
Your eyes are brown, and your cheeks are so chubbeee-eee.
Your laughter is contiguous, and your smile is too-oooo.
Your hair is kinna shaggy, but it looks good on you-ooouu.
There! I did it! I posted poetry on my blog. Even if you think it is junk, I am proud of it. I'm sure some people in this world appriciate real talent when they see it.
I luuuuuv it!
Thats great Rachel I can picture you singin to James in my head when I read that. Awesome I love your blogs too htey make me laugh more than Josephs do ( but dont tell him I said that K?)
wow rae, you should post that on!! it totally rocks:) tell james i love him and i think he's the,i mean, handsomest guy ever:)
Aaaawwww!!! I wish I had a little brother...but older ones are fantastic too!
Older brothers can also be a pain in the neck some times to Rebekah. But I wouldn't trade mine for the world!!
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