Thursday, March 31, 2005

A happy blog

I have decided to make this blog a happy blog, a blog that will make people laugh. So, in the near future I will posting some funny little posts. I would like to post true, funny stuff that has happened to real people, (hehe, this is going to be so much fun!! :) of course, if I come across some extremely funny joke or story, I may put it up here.
Some of the post will be about stuff I've done, (most of them:) or stuff my family members or friends have done. But don't worry, I'm not going to turn into some wierd freak who post EVERYTHING funny and embarrassing about anybody that I even slightly know. If it is a story about someone else I will only post it with their permission. So as soon as I have the time I will be putting up some new post! Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

How Embarrassing: Take 2

If you haven't read How Embarrassing, please do read that before you read this one, it might make this one more interesting. :)

Alright! I am back to tell you The Rest of the Story.

Most of you that know me know that, even though I am homeschooled, I still play sports at the high school near us. Actually, the school isn't really 'near' us, it may be the closest school around, but it is still almost a half hour away. Since it is quite a ways away I stay at my basketball coach's house quite a bit. Now, I am blessed with the coolest basketball coach ever!! He is a christian with strong morals and a huge sense of humor. (when him and Joe get together, whoa buddy, you better watch out!!) But no matter how cool he may be, his wife is even cooler. (no offense Kevik, I know you understand. :) ) Anyways, I was staying at their house one time, wearing my new basketball sweat shirt and sweat pants that our whole team had gotten, which were a little bit more on the exspensive side. Marta was telling me about her closet that she was painting then decided it would be better to just show me. So she's showing me her closet, and telling me how she had started out with a more dark, vivid pink, but then decided to go with a softer pink. (it was very cute by the way) For reasons I can't remember I picked up the dark, VERY vivid pink color, tilted it towards me 'to look inside' or something . The lid was on, but it wasn't shut all the way, it was just resting on the top of the can, but I, of course, did not know this. So I am tilting the can towards me, maybe to look at the little color sample it shows on the top of the can? I still can't remember why I did that! I am sure you can guess what happens next.... Yup! Your right! The paint spills out of the can ALL down my new basketball sweat shirt and pants, ALL down the throw rug and her hardwood floor. Both me and Marta have a kind of late reaction, I just stand there with the can still tilted towards me with a very supprised look on my face, and Marta stands there looking at me...(most likely think, "what in the world did she just do?!) more paint spills out, on me, on the floor, it seems as if days have gone by, and I am getting a kind of heavy, sticky feeling from all the paint, but actually it has only been about three seconds. Then Marta grabs my arm, pulls me into the bathroom where I change my clothes, putting my paint filled sweat clothes in the tub and Marta runs cold water over them so the paint won't set. Then, with a gaint supply of paper towels we try to clean up the paint before it drys on the rug and hardwood floor. Jonus, one of Kevik and Marta's adorable kids, stands on the sideline asking, "Whats that? Whys there paint on the floor?" Marta goes to get her Kirby Vacuum ready so that we can shampoo and suck up the paint. (About every five minutes we look at eachother and start laughing till tears run down our face, then we get back to cleaning.) After vacuuming awhile, Marta figures out that if you pour warm water over the piant coverd spots, then vacuum, more of it will come out. So she goes to get a bowl (it has to be a glass one!) and together we pour, vacuum, pour, vacuum. The paint is almost out, and Marta decides that just one more bowl of warm water will do it. I turn to grab the bowl, but it slips out of my hands, which were slightly wet, and shatters all over her bathroom floor... At this point I just feel like sitting on the toilet and crying, but Marta comes to my rescue and starts laughing..... and laughing.... and laughing. Pretty soon she is wiping the tears from her eyes, and, has most of you know, when someone is laughing, it is kind of contagues, so I catch it, and start laughing also. Pretty soon we are both laughing so hard that tears are drenching us and Jonus is look on with an extremely confused look on his face. We manage to clean everything up, put my sweats in the wash and relax awhile before Kevik comes home, then Marta has to tell Kevik a very annimated story of what happens, Kevik laughs and says some smart remark about when I get married my husband will have to put an insurance policy on everything breakable in the house. I roll my eyes, we all laugh and everything turns out happly ever after!

P.S. I am so glad that, since something like this had to happen to me, it happend to me at Kevik and Marta's house. I know that sounds wierd, but Marta was so cool about it! How many people do you know that would laugh about something like that? I don't know what I would've done if it had happend at someone else's house and the lady had gotten really mad. I felt bad enough has it was! Marta laughing about it really helped, and it made a nice memory too! A wierd one... but a nice kinna wierd. :)

P.S. agian. Marta says she wishes she had had a camra so she could've taken a picture of me when I spilled the paint on me. I am glad she didn't.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

How embarrassing

One thing people should know about me... or maybe one thing people shouldn't know about me.... is that I am.... well, lets just say I'm not the most graceful person in the world. Having said that, maybe you will understand when I say I create my embarrassing moments.. They don't just happen to me. Out of some form of clutziness I always manage to make the most embarrassing things happen to me. And when I say most, I mean that in plural, not, the one most embarrassing thing ever, but, that I have had more embarrassing moments then anyone I know. And yes, I am the cause of them all. In fact, I don't remember a time when another person has embarrassed me so much I actually remember it. And I am here to tell you about that one time... It has to do with paint... and glass.. oh, how embarrassing!! But I have to get busy on some other stuff outside of computer world. I guess I'll just have to tell you about it later!!! ~ ta ta for now~

Friday, March 18, 2005


I got a job!! Not a, here, lets pay you under the table, come babysit for us this evening typ job, but a actual job job. I know you may be thinking... wow, she's 17 and she's just now getting her first real job? I have had jobs before, but they were the kind that only last the span of about 3 or 4 weeks. (not because I was fired, but because thats how long the job lasted) But now I have a job that, although it won't be year round, it will last for about 6 months, and it should be a FUN job!! YAY! And if they like me, maybe they will hire me next year. *jumps for joy and claps her hands* You are probably wondering by now what kind of job this is... well, it is a job at..... dun dun dun dun DUUUNN... -drum roll please- an ESPRESSO STAND!! lol... please don't laugh... it is a very good job! It is the cutest little building with icecream (the BEST ice cream EVER I might add!!) and espresso's and fresh produce and tons of other stuff, and the best part is, it's ALL organic!!! And they make their ice cream right there in the stand, did I mention it is the best ice cream ever?? cuz it is! HMMmmmm. but I can't eat ANY of it... I know if I do I won't be able to stop and soon I'll be a balloon girl. btw, the reason I am SO excited for this job is because it is the kind of job I have been wanting ever since I was old enough to know what a espresso stand was. I think it will be so cool to meet all the people that come in from all over, even though I will probably never see them again, it will still be cool!! And I like the kind of jobs were you serve people, and get to interact with them. welll, I guess that about it.. just thought I'd let you all know about it!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

An accident....

Well, I have entered the world of blogs... This is all new and interesting to me, in fact, it was an accident that I even started this blog!! You see, I was looking at Erin's Blog when I decided to post a reply to something only to find out it wouldn't let me! I didn't know what to do. So I saw this little square that said.... oh, I forget what it said... something about Anyways, I thought, I must have to be a member or something to post a reply, so I pressed the button and started filling in the blanks. After awhile I started to wonder why they were making me fill out such wierd stuff. Then it said something about a blog name and what background I wanted... I was getting very confused!! But I really wanted to post a reply so I kept going. Then, low and behold! It say I have created a my own blog!!! AHHH! What have I done?! I left it alone for a few days but kept thinking about it.... and thinking... and thinking.... I finally decided it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have my own blog so here I am!! I just hope I'm not making a mistake......