Friday, July 22, 2005

Ok, so bad days DO happen....

Maybe I'm not maturing as much as I thought I was. Or maybe all my ditzy/clumsy/stupidness was just saving itself up for today. Thats probably it. I was just going through life so gracefully somthing (or should I say some things?) HAD to happen....So anyways... today at work I was a bit tired (I'll blame it on my lack of sleep) and I... oh shoot, I gotta go! I'm leaving this weekend and we're running late, so I guess your just gonna have to wait awhile! tata~

Thursday, July 07, 2005

hmm, I am writing a post on here because people keep buggung me to write one, but the reason I haven't written one is because I have nothing to write about!!!! But I thought maybe it I just sat here and started writing something very intellectually stunning might come to mind...... or not. hmmm. I guess maybe I'm growing up and maturing more, becuase nothing I've done or anything that has happend to me has been stupid/crazy/dizty. lol. :)K ahh well, we're going camping this weekend, maybe I'll have somthing interesting when I get back.... we'll see!!