The Average Ditz
Friday, April 29, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
An average conversation between me and my little bro
Hey J. what's up?
The clouds and the sky and the mountains.
Hhmm. There aren't any clouds out right now.
Then just the sky and the mountains!
How bout you sing me a song?
I know lots lovely songs!
Then how bout you sing me one?
I don't feel like it.
Oh.......Please? Sing me the pine cone song!
Well, can I have that piece of canny?
Oh, alright. Here.
*giggle* thanks!
Now sing!
I can't, I got canny in my mouth.
You little brat!! *laughs*
How bout you sing ME a song while I eat my canny. Ok?
Fine... What do you want me to sing about?
Alright... Let me think of something.
(here's where I decide that I should become a star song writer. I mean, come on. I made this up off the top of my head. It so good!!)
James, you are sooooo beautiful-
NO! Handsome. Only girls are beautiful. Boys are handsome.
James, you are sooooooo handsome to mee-eeee.
Your eyes are brown, and your cheeks are so chubbeee-eee.
Your laughter is contiguous, and your smile is too-oooo.
Your hair is kinna shaggy, but it looks good on you-ooouu.
There! I did it! I posted poetry on my blog. Even if you think it is junk, I am proud of it. I'm sure some people in this world appriciate real talent when they see it.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
TIP #1
If you have a plate of pancakes that you wish to butter, don't try balancing the plate halfway on the counter while buttering.The plate might fall, and of course, according to murphys law, the plate will fall after you've put the butter on it, and , it will fall face down, perhaps on your foot, and when you move your foot you will step in a pancake. Not a pleasent feeling. Not like I'd know or anything...
Saturday, April 16, 2005
HAMBINO THE GREAT.... hamster?
An adorable little ball of peach fuzz. Cuddly, squishy and oh, SO cute!!! What should we call him? How bout peachy? Ugh. I don't think so. Fur ball?! You are so weird. Ok, never mind. Hhhmmm..... What about Snow Ball? He's not even white!! He's peach! Besides that, he's a BOY, you only name girls Snow Ball! sheesh. OK! Fine, but I still think Snow Ball is a fine name for a boy. Again, you are so weird. Whatever. What are the kids watching? Sandlot. Oh. That fat kid is so funny. What's his name? They call him Hambino. Oh yeah, that's right..... hey. Oh yeah! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? It depends on what your thinking... Well, if your thinking what I'm thinking then your thinking that his name should be..... HAMBINO!!!! yay! We found a name! Cool. Alright Mister Hambino, time to go back in your cage.
And that is how our hamster came to be Hambino. Not that we ever called him Hambino. He was just 'The Hamster'. Can I hold the hamster? The hamster needs to be feed. Look at the hamster spinning on its wheel! The hamster is so cute.
Just to let you know, from here on out, I am going to be calling him Hammy.
Hammy was a very curious hamster. He liked to chew. He liked to chew on plastic the most. Unfortunately his cage was made of plastic. One morning we woke up to see that he had chewed a hole through his cage!! Poor Hammy. What was going to happen to him? We had a cat... and the cat was a pretty good mouser... oh no! I don't want to even think about it!! Poor Hammy. Poor us!! We went around for about four days thinking our hamster had gotten... uhh, *ahem* eaten! Ooohhh!!!
But alas! There was something in the heater vents. The ones on the floor that don't work anymore... It is 4:00 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep because there is something crawling around in the heater vents!! It must be a mouse.. or worse.. a RAT!! uahh, please no rats. Yah know, mice really aren't that bad when you compare them to rats. It sounds like it is trying to get out. What should I do? It is getting SO annoying!! I am trying to sleep! I guess it just has to come out of there. Hey! It's not a mouse! or a rat. Its Hammy!! ohhh, poor little Hammy. Your all dirty. Lets wash you off. Wow, a big furry hamster, when wet, looks a little freaky. Little Hammy gets put back in his cage, where I know he'll stay till morning because he is so tired and hungry. After about 4 days it chews through its cage again, but we aren't worried. We know that when he gets tired of the vents he will come home to us. But the poor Hammy, his one happiness was also his undoing. Because he left his cage so often, whenever he was gone we just kind of figured that he was in the vents. After about three months of this we got used to it, and never figured that he might accidentally fall behind a dresser and not be able to get out. *sniff* poor hammy. That was a very sad day in the Schoolland household. Some day when we are ready we will get a new hamster. A fuzzy girl hamster that is all white. And we will call her Snow Ball. She will not be allowed to go in the vents
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
I was just thinking about when I was a little kid. It seemed like things were so much simpler then. We would have fun ding the silliest little things. Remembering all the games I played with my friends brings back some good memorys. Here's a few of them for your entertanment.A favorite game I would play with my cousins when they would come over and we would have a big family dinner was the 'Messy Eaters, and the Polite Eaters' game. The little kids would eat at the little blue table, (that would be me and Cassie, because that is all it would fit, it was most def. a 'little' table) anyways, first we would be the polite and dainty eaters, sitting up straight, taking little bites, using our napkins to daintily wipe our mouths. Then we would switch to the messy eaters, scarfing down our food, sluching over our plates , wiping our face wth our hands. We would whisper behind our hands how those 'nice' eaters thought they were so cool. Then we would switch back to being the 'nice' eaters. We would look with distaste at the messy eaters, talking under our breath about how horrid they are, and couldn't they at least use their napkins. They are there for a reason! ahhhh, we had such good time, me and Cassie. She would always come over and play with my rainbow bunny. I remember once I tried to hide it, she caught me at it and we had a little tussle over who got to play with the rainbow bunny. I also remember my older sister told me she was going to pull out one of my hairs a day until I was bold. I believed her and freak out. My sister says she doesn't remember that happening, and Cassie probably doesn't remember the rainbow bunny tussle. I have a very good memory for things like that. Or maybe I just imagined them when I was little and grew up thinking they were real... I don't know, and I guess I never will. But I like to think they are real. :)